Amy Devoe Perrotti
candidate for
Board of Education
I am honored to have been nominated by the Newington Democratic Town Committee for re-election to the Board of Education.
My husband Jim and I have three wonderful daughters, two currently attending Newington Public Schools. Our youngest will be NHS Class of 2039 so I have a long-vested interest in ensuring Newington continues to provide high quality education for all students. I have always enjoyed volunteering and have been an active member of the community since my kids were little. I joined the Anna Reynolds PTO 8 years ago and today I am excited to be serving on the Anna Reynolds building committee.
I believe all students should have the option for full day Pre-School, and a strong curriculum that is representative and inclusive for all students. Children should feel supported in school no matter what their circumstances. Teachers and Paraeducators should feel appreciated and supported by the board because their jobs are critical to the success of our students.
I am committed to putting the needs of our students first, ahead of partisan politics. I will continue to collaborate and work with the board, administrators, teachers, staff, and our community because I know it is important that everyone has a voice. I fully support the John Wallace Renovation and I’m proud to have had a part getting the town committed as well. I will continue to do all I can to keep moving it forward. The students and staff deserve a safe environment that is conducive to learning.
It has been an honor to serve on the Board of Education the past 2 years. I will continue to be an advocate for all children of Newington. I will ensure that the decisions we make as a board will always be in their best interest. I look forward to collaborating with fellow board members and members of the town council to ensure all students have a safe, healthy environment to learn, grow and feel accepted in Newington Public Schools.